The Osfer Language
Osfer-English Dictionary Phrases & Sayings Pronunciation & Grammar Songs & Poems Usage of Words with Deeper Meanings
Osfer-English Dictionary
- List is organised alphabetically by English words.
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losh | a lot / much / many |
koor't | abduction / kidnapping (lit. take + about/concerning) |
fer | able to / can do |
shir | about / concerning / things to do with |
buna | about / regarding / the matter of |
't | about / regarding (Used as a suffix) |
utan | above |
tana | accent |
utrat | accept a challenge / to face |
way | action / something done |
vina | adult |
vinadom | adulthood (lit. the state of being adult) |
porori | afraid / scared |
tash | again / (good) bye (See: ta) |
rot | against / in opposition of (Used as a suffix) |
fern(a) | age (the effeminate a sound is dropped when addressing males) |
piest | agree (I think so to) |
polash | aim (derived from polashat meaning concentrate) |
tun | air --pronounced 'toon' as in cartoon-- |
reka | all / everything (Different from bost, as bost refers to: All that has been mentioned) |
bost | all (of the above) / everything (mentioned) / both |
vifon't | alliance |
bays | allow / permit (pronounced 'base' as in 'third base') |
losh | a lot / much / many |
uk-vifon't | ally (an) |
ei-no | alright / okay / sure (lit. 'right' + possessive marker) |
ei-sha | Am I right? You understand? (lit. 'right' + question marker) |
osfer | Amazoi language (the) / Osfer (lit. tongue / say + able to = Able to speak) |
yash-ripat | ambush |
unta | among |
biku | amusement / fun |
urman | ancestor |
a | and (used mainly between nouns) |
or | and (used mainly between verbs) |
aut | and also (used mainly between unrelated things) |
pat | and then / to (the purpose of going/doing) / for (the reason for doing/going) |
rin | animal / beast |
uka | ankle |
sumsa | ant |
patpor | any longer / no more |
paslat | anything / something (not to be confused with misboi which lit. means: some + thing = some object) |
potha | apple (Not confirmed, but described in The Scrolls as 'a fruit with an edible skin large as a man's fist and good for winter storage') |
doku't | appreciation |
dolfat | archery (lit. of or related to the bow) |
kono | are / is (lit. what + present tense) |
taf | area / ground / territory / lands |
biter | argue / fight (with words)--pronounced: bitter-- |
uda | arm |
otak | arm(s) / weapon(s) |
aru | armed band of men / old Amazoi for 'army' |
zul(a) | armour (feminine 'a' is added for women's armour) |
falot | arrow |
falo'tok | arrow-distance / an arrow's flight away |
pau | ask (a question) Not a request. That would be moor |
moor | ask for / request |
danta-leek | assassination (lit. coward + murder) |
rat | at / in (denotes place-location)ie. In Torik / At Torik |
u | at / in / on (denotes positioning) ie. In the front / At the front, In my hand, On the table |
f | at / precisely (used as prefix) |
forgut | at least |
f'mil | at that time / when |
ripa | attack (to) / See: ripat for 'an attack') |
ripat | attack (an) / A stratagem. ie. 'Attacking' vs. 'Defending' |
tolo-ut | awake / aware / conscious / sober |
pi | away from / off of / from (used at the end of sentences to avoid confusion with pi~ meaning: 'one of ~') |
fi'ert | awhile (also pronounced/written: fe'ert) |
borakha | baby (lit. 'little pest') |
tok | back (of the body) |
tik | bad / unwanted / undesired (action or event) |
trebo | bad for health / too much / poison |
bok | bad tasting / bitter (usually drawn out in emphasis of the bad taste) |
mook-ra | balls / testicles |
mater | bathe |
biegn | battle between life and death / between good and evil (The) |
ray | battle / fight (with weapons) |
na-boi | be in love / be someone's / be in a relationship |
nolat | bear |
flash | beard |
spila | beautiful |
patan | because / purpose / reason |
boto | become / becoming / turn into |
ey | becomes |
spinawat | bed (lit. sleeping + possessive indicator+fur) Also: spinawat-ra = sleeping-furs |
pora | behind |
dom | being / state / existence (also used to describe adulthood and territory) |
kush-kush | bellybutton |
uknaipola | beloved / loved one (lit. one who is loved) |
aj | berry |
bayna | beside / next to |
u-na bodre | best (lit. first + good) |
bat-bodre | better (lit. more + good) |
bei | better (to be) / should (be) |
fartain | Beyond (The) / The Afterlife |
mala | big / large (concept) ie. sky, land |
ushi | big / large (object) |
fala | bird / slang for: flighty, foolish, unreliable and/or unfaithful |
pojera | birds (a flock of) |
bok | bitter / bad tasting --pronounced: bow'k-- (usually drawn out in emphasis of the bad taste) |
ososrit | blabber / bla-bla-blah (lit. say + say + say) |
lielboi | blessings (lit. deity + gift) |
lota | blessings (not translatable: lit a word of protection with no root meaning. Usually repeated in a soothing manner to crying babies.) |
bonta | blood / lineage / race |
lua | blue |
bo | boar / pig |
taka-taka | boobies |
su-su | boobies (baby talk) |
thish | boots (women called their boots thisha) |
oflot | born (to be born) |
bost | both / all (of the above) / everything (mentioned) |
dolfa | bow (as in bow and arrow) / slang for sitting with legs in the 'M' shape. Also: the female form |
dolfana-tip | bow string |
kon | boy (a male between baby and puberty) |
bot (boat) | branch of tree / Also: slang for 'erection' |
pak | bread (any type of flour based food) |
pata | break |
pata-no | break+present tense (slang: 'broken'. Hammered, smashed, drunk or stoned. Also used for 'extremely confused'.) |
boi | breastplate (top armor) |
boi-ra | breastplates |
taka | breasts / tits |
taa | breathe |
taa't | breath |
laha | breeze (lit. wind + cute or gentle) |
laha | brethren (someone regarded as 'family' by blood, culture, language or outlook) |
pin | bring (pronounced: peen) -a perversion of pi and na meaning 'the ownership of from') |
tulan | brother (originally used to indicate a blood-brother. Changed to mean 'A brother by tribal unity' --since 22nd Winter of The Reunion) |
tulan-ha | brother (similar to 'darling brother'. Used to indicate blood-relations) |
pina | bug (a specific type that is found under wood. English unknown. Perhaps a woodbug/pillbug.) |
po | bump (used for a bump on the road, a tree, etc. Bump on the body would be:dop |
dop | bump --pronounced: dope-- (used for bumps on the body. A bump on the ground or tree would be: po |
pa | by (short for patan. Meaning the reason behind the action/statement) |
indok | by accident (opp. kraft --on purpose--) |
ta | bye / see ya later (Either originated from ta~ meaning: "Well..." indicating the speaker has no more to say, or shortened from tash meaning: "again") |
toka | calendar (simply a measurement of years past) |
hobor | calm |
fer | can do / able to |
taja | cannabis (slang for) / smoke (n) (pronounced: ta-zja) |
yol | care for (a person) / take care of (a situation) / mind (a fire) |
rapa | carry |
miat | celebration |
gi | center / heart |
tonta | ceremony (lit. the feminized version of 'the one and only') |
frata | challenge (mostly viewed as coming from another person or from the gods) |
iran | chief |
irana | chieftess |
gan | child |
sa / ha | child-like feeling indicator. Added to any word to soften the feeling, indicate 'cute' or 'warm feeling'. |
ha / sa | child-like-feeling indicator. Added to any word to soften the feeling, indicate 'cute' or a 'warm feeling'. |
minar | choice / decide (More related to taking action. Not necessarily related to a having multiple choices or conflict beforehand.) |
bi (bee) | choose |
merta | clay |
kan | clear (sky/water) |
art | close / near |
banu | close to a target amount / almost |
verse | close (to) / shut |
min | cloth / fabric |
shifa | cloud(s) |
dula | coals (of a fire) |
ana | cold |
ubia | colour |
ubiat | colourful |
tay | come (as command) / return (as conversational) |
tay-pat-pon | come and join us |
shay | comfortable / warm |
forgut | complete (to) / finish (Closer to 'complete'. 'Finish' is usually: por) |
tent | completely / fully |
polashat | concentrate |
shir | concerning / about / things to do with |
tolo-ut | conscious / awake / aware (lit. open + eye) |
dan | container / receptacle / pouch |
ther | control / manipulate |
anaha | cool |
ei | correct / right |
payprut | correctly / properly (used as a prefix) ie. payprut-ti = 'do (it) properly') (pronounced: pay-proot) |
osbon | count (to) (lit. say + number) |
danta | coward |
samser | crave / desire (lit. want + emphatic) |
shaka | crazy |
uver | create |
tuntaka | creepies (the) |
tuntak | creepy (thing or feeling) |
pa'ka | crow (taken from the crow's cry. Pronunciation emphasised on the 'k'. ie: p'kka) |
dent | cruel / mean |
paka | crumbs |
pensh | cry |
tiku | cum / orgasm (from ti 'do' + ku of kuv & kuvatsa) |
tu | curse / damn / vexing / troublesome (used as a prefix to indicate what is vexing, or simply used as an expletive combined with an action mimicking spitting = Tuh!) |
lata | cut (a small) / nick / scratch (a) |
lat | cut (a) / wound |
wala | cut (to) / (a tree, meat, etc) |
larisa | cute / tiny (lit. small + the child-like indicator sa, which is a perversion of its original ha) |
ata | dad (short for: atak) / pop |
tu | damn / curse / vexing / troublesome (used as a prefix to indicate what is vexing, or simply used as an expletive combined with an action mimicking spitting = Tuh!) |
udor | dance |
kolka | danger! / help! (a verbal warning, believed to mimic a raven's warning cry) |
rar | dark |
vesa | daughter |
marta | day |
ershfast | day after tomorrow (lit. two + today) |
umartano | day before yesterday (lit. one + day + past tense) |
slobo | dead (lit. die + past tense) |
baestam-slo | death (lit. The Great Awakening from Life. Simplified as: baestam) |
minar | decide / choice (More related to taking action. Not necessarily related to a having multiple choices or conflict beforehand.) |
onbat | decide / settle (as in the final decision after an argument or facing a tough choice.) |
droi | deer / buck |
droia | deer / doe |
tren't | defeat (a) / a loss |
purt | defense |
pur | defend |
piest-ser | definitely / think strongly / in my opinion (also: typical/figures/of course it would)--not to be used as "I think so, maybe" or "I'm thinking about flowers"-- |
li | deity (a) / a god (unspecific deity either male or female, though considered male when not specified.) |
ko | describe / tell / what (usually used with sa) |
tabi | destroy / annihilate |
samser | desire / crave (lit. want + emphatic) |
sha | dew |
es'slo | die / croak / kick the bucket (harsher/vulgar usage than: estam-slo) |
estam-slo | die (to Waken from this Life) |
naysh'thina | different (lit. not so + same) ie. "Water and Ice are naysh'thina." |
naytor | different (lit. not + equal) ie. "Humans and Rocks are naytor." |
datan | dirty |
tok | distance / unit of measurement (suffix used to indicate distance) |
mai~ | do (+verb) |
fer | do (able/can) |
ti | do (action indicator) --also used for 'help with' / 'good at' / and other usage that indicates 'doing'-- |
tiway | do something |
banta | do to someone / force something on someone / impose one's will (Used at the end of a sentence and carries the tense) *Opposite of: pola |
pola | do by someone (Receives the action. Used at the end of the sentence. Opposite of banta) |
spako | dog |
yep | down |
nosfa | dream |
say | drink |
ruel | dull |
bit | dumb / stupid (as in: stupid mistake. Not to be confused with pitak, which means an idiot/fool.) |
pitak-ha | dummy / goofball / dumb-dumb (also: pitaka) |
lora | duty / task |
run | ear (pronounced: roon) |
yat | early |
run-run | ears (pronounced: roon-roon) This is used regarding one's own ears. Regarding 'ears' such as 'All our ears' is run-ra |
ama | earth / soil / ground |
upe | east |
turan | easy |
yest | eat |
tontsin | ejaculation (lit. The River) See: tontsha |
nia | elbow |
biar | elder |
vor | emotions / feelings (See: um to indicate specific emotions) |
ser | emphasis or command indicator. Enabling the speaker to emphasise without yelling. A verbal exclamation (!) mark. |
pika | empty |
nayuf | enemy (lit. not + friend) |
upre't | enjoy |
dola | enough |
inda | entrance |
vort | entrust / loan |
torofol | equal |
purash | escape / runaway (Also used similar to: 'cheat death') |
bonoto | eternity / forever / the most |
thor | even ~ (As in: 'Even a child could do that') |
ferlan | evening |
ar | exactly like / just as (Suffix. Not to be confused with ya, which means 'similar to') |
ut | eye / view / viewpoint |
ut-ut | eyes (pronounced as a quick: oot-oot) This is used regarding one's own eyes. Regarding 'eyes' such as 'All our eyes' is: ut-ra |
min | fabric / cloth |
mul | face (the) |
utrat | face (to) / to accept a challenge |
mul-a-mul | face to face |
unan | Fall / Autumn |
pa'at | fall down |
uperat | fallen in battle / killed in battle |
beer | false |
raku | family |
bolo | far |
umatash | farewell (lit. later + again) Used primarily at funerals |
poop | fart |
tri | fast |
atak | father |
porori't | fear |
fui | fed up (used at the end of each sentence explaining what one is fed-up with) |
nai-um | feeling of attraction / love |
vor | feelings / emotions (See: um to indicate specific emotions) |
uba | female animal |
upor | feeling (sense of) / to touch |
a | feminine indicator (a suffix. Used at the ends of words) |
loa | field |
rek'dosh | fifteen |
boro | fight (physically, without weapons) |
biter | fight (with words) / argue--pronounced: bitter-- |
ray | fight (with weapons) / battle |
ak | final |
ak-no tay | finally (lit. final + present tense + come = The last has come) Also simply said as ak-no! |
rika | find |
por | finish (commonly used as: por-bo = done / finished) |
ten | finish (closer to 'complete') |
yeut | fire (camp) |
yeu | fire (thing) |
tont-u | first and foremost (lit. the supreme one) --not to be confused with u-na which is the first in a line of many things/people/ideas-- |
u-na | first of other items / original (lit. of one. One + possessive indicator) --not to be confused with tont or tont-u which is 'first supreme'-- |
gal | fish |
tol | fist |
go'or | five |
rek'bin | five hundred ten |
jist | fix / repair --pronounced 'jzeest'-- |
orga | flat |
ranatat | flint (lit. star + stone) |
arla | flower |
mu | fly (insect) |
lef | fly (to) |
esh | food |
pitak | fool (a) / idiot / stupid (not to be confused with bit which is a stupid choice of thing) |
tayn | foot |
for | for (a vital purpose/reason. Similar to English 'to'. --ie. Eat to live. Go to war.) |
tan | for (short for patan. A general purpose/reason. --ie. Go to bathe. Go to eat.) |
pat | for (the reason for going/doing) Closer to 'and then'. |
verat | for the purpose of / for the sake of (Similar to: 'In the name of ~') |
toran | foreign / other / outside the group of topic (Used as a suffix) ie. os-toran = foreign language / taf-toran = foreign lands |
os-toran | foreign language / language (any language besides Osfer, which is the unique language of the Amazoi) lit. tongue + foreign |
lan | forest |
gotram | forget |
lina'ut | fortune / luck |
shay | four |
uf | friend |
titsa | frog |
pi | from / off of / away from (Used at end of sentences to avoid confusion with pi~ |
bort | front |
luk | fuck (slang for sex, not used as a swear-word. ie. to Bang. From the sounds made during sex) |
glak-urak | fucked up / messed up (lit. shit-mud = So messed up you can't tell which is the shit and which is the mud.) |
luk-luk | fucking (slang for sounds made during sex) |
pako | full |
pakot | full of ~ |
bershin | funny |
wat | fur |
pobar | furthest point / until |
tatbor | game of Rock Toss. (Thrower who's rock lands the closest to the target wins.) |
poi-ra | games |
bebreta | gender / sex (combination of bret & breta) |
koor | get (go get) / take |
polat | get / receive |
bian | get ready / prepare |
elboi | gift (a) / present (a) |
aha | girl (possibly a combination of the feminine indicator 'a' and the cute/child-like indicator 'ha' ) |
el | give |
fra | give up / surrender |
ayt | go (different from 'leave'. See: tam) |
ayt-ayt | go ahead / go on / hurry up |
sha | go away / piss off (Also just: sha!yelled in emphasis. shhh in a sort of hissing sound (buzz off). (Also said as: sha-ser in a quiet, controlled anger) |
li | god (a) / a deity (unspecific deity either male or female, though considered male when not specified.) |
vermot | God believed to have fathered the Amazoi. |
torak | God of Rivers (also: sin-na li = river's god.) Enemy of Tabita. |
kotar | God of Storms |
belok | God of the Cold that comes from the ground. Brother of Torak the river god and Tabita the goddess of fire |
panontu | God of the Sun. The sun god. |
tu | God who shaped the valleys and rivers with his Great Thorn. Name blessing. A wanderer. |
uverbim | Goddess (The) / The highest deity (The Mother-Creator of the Heavens and Earth) |
uverta | Goddess of Earth, life, birth, love, spring and sex. |
uverana | Goddess of Winter and Cold of the sky |
tabita | Goddess of Fire and destruction. Enemy of Torak. |
li-ra | gods (the) |
hur | gold |
bodre | good |
tash | good bye (lit. 'again') See: ta~ |
pen | good looking / handsome (Used by older generation. Younger Amazoi mostly use: pena = pretty and spil = handsome, with pen used for animals, flowers, sunsets, etc.) |
ulan-no | good morning (morning + present tense) |
bodre vern-to | good night (= good dream) |
dophara | goose bumps (lit. little bumps) --pronounced: dop'hara-- |
ulbanta | govern / rule by force |
mon- | grandparent (Gender neutral. Used as a prefix before atak or masha. It can also be used before the person's name as in: mon-daeruma = Grandmother Daeruma) |
bae | great / the one and only |
fu | great / vast / huge |
taf | ground / area / territory / lands |
shat | group |
mitha | grow (the action of growing. To 'grow' vegetables would be: bofno. Which is the same word used in: 'raise a child') |
bofno | grow / raise (Not to be confused with: mitha) |
ger | growl |
wir | guard / keep / protect |
mut | hair |
banu | half (or close to) |
ka | hand |
spil | handsome (pronounced: speel) |
pen | handsome / good looking (Used by older generation. Younger Amazoi mostly use: pena = pretty and spil = handsome, with pen used for animals, flowers, sunsets, etc.) |
pitan | hang around / loiter |
ulan-um | hangover (lit. morning spirit) |
upre | happy / cheerful |
ma | has / have (used as literally being able to hold something. Not used for English phrases such as: have a bath, have dinner, have troubles, have a good eye, etc.) |
ma | have / has (used as literally being able to hold something. Not used for English phrases such as: have a bath, have dinner, have troubles, have a good eye, etc.) |
ludrash | have to / necessary / must |
od | he / him --pronounced: odd as in oddball-- |
weem | he / she / it (gender neutral: 'one' as in someone. ) Secondary in colloquial speech. (See: ufer and tak) |
bes | hear |
besta | hearing (the ability to hear. Should be bes't but for some reason the feminized 'a' sound is added) |
gi | heart / center |
bier | heavy (also used as a prefix to indicate 'vexing' or 'troublesome' ) |
borta | help with / assist --Not to be confused with: kolka or tayka |
tayka | help / rescue --Not to be confused with: borta or kolka |
kolka | help! / danger! (thought to mimic a bird's warning cry) --not to be confused with: borta or tayka |
on | her / she |
leed | here |
leed | here / now |
kont | hey / look here / look |
hoi | hey! |
tuk | hiccup --pronounced 'took' as in he took the ball-- |
enta | hide |
zi | high |
od | him / he --pronounced 'odd' as in oddball-- |
rok | hit / strike |
wein | hold |
vera | honest |
vesta | honour / pride (feminine) |
vest | honour / pride (masculine) |
sampon | horny (lit. want + join/sex) For 'libido' see: sampon't |
yuba | horse (borrowed word from unknown language) |
naymut nolat | horse (Old Osfer: lit. no-hair-bear) |
buet | how many |
uverma | humble / modest (lit. create + have) Also used as 'thank you very much' when receiving food/drink. |
gotha't | humour |
goth(a) | humorous (here the a does not indicate 'feminine', but rather refers to a clever or subtle joke.) |
samesh | hungry |
samesh't | hunger |
urath | hunt |
bol | hurt / injured (Different use than taek or pol) |
eor | husband (old Osfer. In New Osfer it refers to a good male friend. Also used between males) |
mo | hut / home |
pitak | idiot / a fool / stupid (not to be confused with bit which is a stupid choice or thing) |
tray | if |
zol | imagine |
thiya't | importance |
thiya | important |
banta | impose one's will / force something on someone / do to someone (used at the end of sentences) |
rat | in / at (denotes place-location) ie. In Torik / At Torik |
u | in / at / on (denotes positioning) ie. In the front / At the front |
di | in / inside (of something) |
ubort | in front (lit. position + front) |
rot | in opposition of / against (used at the end of sentences) |
mozat-fer | in the hopes I can / that I may ('I pray/hope' kind of feeling) |
verat | in the name of / for the sake of |
bol | injured / hurt |
di | inside (of something) / in |
osbanta | instruct / teach (lit. say + impose one's will) |
rapshirnoway | intelligent / thoughtful |
oshirid | introduce (lit. say + about + you) |
bron | invade |
bron't | invasion |
kus | iron |
kono | is /are (lit. what + present tense) |
nay-nay | isn't /aren't / not |
tak | it / he - she - it (gender neutral for one) Extremely colloquial when used for humans. (See: ufer and weem) |
kash | itch (an) |
kash-kash | itchies (the) |
pon | join / sex |
ar | just as / exactly like (Suffix. Not to be confused with ya, which means 'similar to') |
wir | keep / protect / guard |
bakat | keep an eye on / watch casually (not to be confused with noway which is to 'watch intensely' or 'study') |
leek | kill (a person) / murder |
baest | kill (in general) |
toma | kind / nice / good (character, manner, person) |
pila | kind of / sort of |
kat | king (org. Scythian = kata. Later changed to kat as a sound is feminine in osfer |
push(a) | kiss |
vulp | knife |
ton ton | knocking sound |
balat | knot |
ran | know |
sampon't | libido / desire for sex |
vlosh | lake |
taf | lands |
os-toran | language / foreign language (any language besides Osfer, which is the unique language of the Amazoi) lit. tongue + foreign |
uma | later |
ahan | laugh (also used as a retort to a bad joke. ie. har-har / yeah, right / etc) |
ul | lead |
uk-ul | leader (lit. one who leads) |
ritha | leaf (a) (rith-la = leaves) |
bar | learn |
tam | leave / away from (different from 'go'. See: ayt) |
palapoi | leave alone / stop bothering (lit. refrain (from) + play) |
bin | left (as in: left hand / left side) |
ue | leg |
day-ra | let's |
ta | let's see / well (Colloquial. Usually drawn out. Actual meaning is 'breath'. The underlying feeling is "Let me take a breath and think.") |
biel | lie told to hurt (a) |
insuk | lie told to protect (a) / a lie for good intentions |
gai | life |
slo | Life (this) / this World / this Reality |
bim | life energy / the life force (Chi or Ki) |
gel | life giving / conception / vital --pronounced 'g' as in 'gun'-- |
pien | lift up |
funa | light (not dark) |
upla | light (not heavy) |
paro | like (to like a person) |
pont | like (to like a thing, animal) |
ya | like / as / similar to (See: ar for 'exactly like') |
bonta | lineage / blood / race |
ha | little (usually used as a suffix) |
etha | live (to) |
vort | loan / entrust |
kont | look / hey / look here |
uthansam | look forward to (Origin is unclear. Thought to be a combination of a perversion of: sam utan reka boi-ra> = Want above all things) |
dop | bump --pronounced: dope-- (used for bumps on the body. A bump on the ground or tree would be: po |
boda | loose (to let) / free (to set) (also: shoot an arrow) |
potant | lose (As in: 'Lose an item'. For 'Lose a game' see: tren) |
tren | lose (As in: 'Lose a game'. For 'Lose an item', see: potant) |
tren't | loss (a) / a defeat |
boua | loud |
na | love / possessive indicator / has / have |
zu | low |
borga | lung(s) |
pumat | maggot |
min | make (pronounced: meen) |
ubu | male animal |
utnaway | mamihlapinatapai: the feeling two people share a desire to do something, but neither initiates the action. (lit. action of the eye) |
bret | man / male (not used to describe the human race) |
ther | manipulate / control |
losh | many / a lot |
vas | mark / design |
var't | masculine / strength |
tent-lik | massacre (lit. complete+kill) |
ukrek(a) | master / owner (ukreka = mistress) |
vishto | maybe / probably / (I think ~) |
day | me / I |
un | meal --pronounced: oon -- |
dent | mean / cruel |
gosh | meaning |
prot | meat |
kome | meet |
ofrat | mercy / slang: spare (a life -- not used for "spare time", "spare change", etc.) |
glak-urak | messed up / fucked up (lit. shit-mud = So messed up you can't tell which is the shit and which is the mud.) |
rap | mind (the) / spirit (the) |
totak | mischief |
tin | mite (a) |
tel | mix (a) / mixture |
binat | mix (to) |
uverma | modest / humble (lit. create + have) Also used as 'thank you very much'. Always when receiving food/drink. |
ma | mom (short for masha) |
tur | month (cycle of the moon) |
retray(a) | moon |
bat | more (used as a suffix. As in slow+more = slower) |
mosa | more (used when wanting more volume, quantity of something. As in 'give me more'.) |
ulan | morning |
ulan-no | 'morning (as a greeting) |
masha | mother |
shta | mountain |
vala | mouth |
urak | mud |
leek | murder / kill (a person) |
ludrash | must / necessary / have to |
ilak | name |
kush | navel |
art | near / close |
obo | nest (bird's) |
obo't | nest (to) / to roost (also used for hibernating animals) |
apa | new |
bent | next |
bayna | next to / beside |
toma | nice / kind /pleasant (person) |
ibo | nice / pleasant / good (food, weather, comfort) |
ber | night |
nay | no / don't |
ubiest | noble / proud |
patpor | no more / any longer |
ne | nope / ain't / naw |
foe | north |
eso | nose |
nay-nay | not / isn't / aren't |
nay-no | not any more |
naysh | not so much |
nay-boi | nothing |
dan | now (lit. this + time. Pronounced: da'n) |
dan'thir | now that (lit. now + so) |
bon | number (a) |
putnak | obligated (feeling you should even though you don't want to) |
noway | observe / study / watch (intently) |
t | of ~ / related to ~ (Used as a suffix to create new words) |
pi | off of / from / away from (Used at end of sentences to avoid confusion with pi~ |
ei-no | okay / alright / sure (lit. 'right' + possessive marker ) |
bana | old |
panu | on (top of) |
u | on / in / at (denotes positioning) ie. In the front / At the front, In my hand, On the table |
kraft | on purpose (opposite of indok --by accident--) |
u | one |
pi- | one of many / one of a group (used as prefix) |
utash | one more / once more (lit. one + again) |
uk (ook) | one who / something that (does a certain thing) --also used for animals, gods or inanimate objects-- (used as prefix) |
tolo | open |
ub | or |
u-na | original / first of other items (lit. of one. One + possessive indicator) --not to be confused with tont or tont-u which is the first supreme-- |
osfer | Osfer / the Amazoi language (lit. tongue / say + able to = Able to speak) --originally derived from payprut-os-fer meaning able to speak properly-- |
toran | other / foreign / outside the group of topic (Used as a suffix) ie. os-toran = foreign language / taf-toran = foreign land |
upshor | outrun --pronounced: upshor-- |
ta'an | over there (directional indicator) |
marek | own / possess |
ukrek(a) | owner / master (ukreka = mistress) |
taek | pain (mental / emotional)= physical pain is 'pol' |
pol | pain (physical) |
tukar | pants |
pala | patience (have) / refrain (from) |
pala't | patient |
vizeks | peace / unity |
kuva | penis (cute) / willy / wiener |
kuv | penis / cock |
zoi | people (a) / tribe / humans (man) |
yoi | people / human / Man |
mozat | permissible / can I? |
ufer | person (a) (gender neutral for one person) Considered most polite when talking about others. (See: weem and tak) |
borak | pest / persistent |
bo | pig / boar |
zen | pile (to) |
poku | pine needles |
takmo | pine needles |
shiso | piss / urine / urinate |
bona | pitiful / poor (as in 'Aw. The poor girl.') Derived from 'past tense' and 'ownership' |
lash | place / put |
poi | play (Usually used as a suffix, and to mean 'game', while topis used on its own) |
top | play / act foolish / fooling around --sex-- / pretend to be |
tomaya | please (kind + similar) |
la / ra | plural (common is 'ra', but pronunciation difficulties change a sound closer to 'la') |
ra / la | plural (common is 'ra'. Pronunciation difficulties change the sound to 'la'. La is more commonly used by non full-blooded Amazoi) |
rum | poem / song (pronounced: room) |
ragu | poison |
vlosha | pond (lit. feminine lake) |
marek | possess / own / have (tangible item. ie: have a spear) |
ma | possess / own / have (intangible item. ie: have power) |
rek | possession (a) |
bakular | possessions (a lot of) / riches |
na | possessive indicator / love / has / have |
dayt | practice / train --not used for military or warfare related training-- (pronounced: date As in I went on a date with Gelvloa) |
f | precisely / at |
bian | prepare / get ready |
elboi | present (a) / gift (a) |
pena | pretty |
kira | pretty / shiny (lit. the feminized version of kir meaning: sparkle) |
vesta | pride / honor (feminine) |
vest | pride / honor (masculine) |
vishto | probably / maybe / (I think ~) |
uber | problem |
payprut | properly / correctly (used as a prefix) ie. payprut-ti = 'Do (it) properly'. (pronounced: pay-proot. Not: paprutt) |
wir | protect / guard / keep |
ubiest | proud / noble |
tolra-na kash | puberty (lit. Summer of Itch) |
lap | pull |
patan | purpose / reason / because |
kata | queen (Scythian for 'king' it was later briefly used for queen by the Amazoi as it contained the Osfer feminine 'a' sound.) |
sa / sha | question indicator -emphatic |
tri | quick / fast |
trit | quickly / speedily |
yash | quiet |
falotra-dan | quiver |
bonta | race / blood / lineage |
der | rain |
der-ha | rain (light) (also pronounced: der-a) |
ban | raise (lift up) |
bofno | raise / grow (Not to be confused with mitha |
tikpon | rape (lit. unwanted or bad sex) |
ushi-pa'ka | raven (not verified as a raven. lit. big + crow) |
wayt | re-action / re-act |
toula | ready |
patan | reason / purpose / because |
uk-rotmo | rebel (a) |
rotmo | rebel (to) |
rotmo't | rebellion |
polat | receive / get |
pola | receives action / have done to (Used at the end of a sentence and carries the tense.) Opposite of: banta |
ash | red |
pala | refrain (from) / patience (have) |
buna | regarding / about / the matter of |
tik-um | regret (lit. bad + spirit) |
boda | release / let go / slang for orgasm, sneezing and crying |
etan | remain |
tola | remain / stay |
moor | request / ask for |
potak | result (a/the) |
tay | return (as conversational) / come (as command) |
ap | reveal (to) / to show |
bakul | rich / wealthy |
bakular | riches / a lot of possessions |
dosh | right (as in: right hand / right side) |
ei | right / correct |
vlo | river (passable) |
sin | river (impassable) |
tat | rock / stone |
baga | rot / spoil |
shal | round |
ulbanta | rule / govern by force |
shor | run |
purash | runaway / escape (Also used similar to: 'cheat death') |
hortok | rush (the) / adrenaline (the state of mind during emergencies, battle, injury, etc) |
bola | sad |
alash | safe |
thina | same |
os / rit | say |
rit / os | say |
porori | scared / afraid |
mina | scarf (lit. 'a cute fabric') |
samod | sea (thought to be a borrowed word from Anshe/Wedic language) |
zolboi | seasons (lit. month + possessive indicator + time) = time of months |
zolboi | scenario / theory (lit. imagine + thing) |
tont-ersh | second (lit. the only + two) |
pul | secretions from the nose, ears, eyes and mouth (pronounced: pool) |
bak | see |
bela | seed |
tane | seed / grain |
forga | selfish / rude (Not used in the same context as in English.) |
vertak | senses / wits |
pon-pon | sex (cute phrasing) |
pon | sex / join |
pon't | sexuality |
penin | sharpen |
on | she / her |
tuton | shield (developed from the word 'ton ton' describing the sound made from hitting) |
lari-tuton | shield-type: (the small, light, round, metal shield of the Amazoi) |
ra-tuton | shield-type: (the larger, heavier, rectangle, wooden shields of the Amazoi) |
bak't | sight / vision |
kira | shiny / pretty (lit. the feminized version of kir meaning: sparkle) |
glak | shit |
glak-urak | shit-mud / messed up (So messed up you can't tell which is the shit and which is the mud.) |
fria | shoe |
boda | shoot (an arrow) |
op | short |
bei | should (be) / it's better if-that |
ula-ula | shoulders |
ap | show (to) / to reveal |
ap-day | show me |
verse | shut / close (to) |
ufru | shy |
wo | sing |
tula | sister (originally used to indicate a blood-sister. Changed to mean: 'A sister by tribal unity' --since 22nd Winter of The Reunion) |
tula-ha | sister (similar to 'darling sister'. Used to indicate a blood-relation) |
bion | sit |
tofar | situation |
go'or-u | six |
opan | skill |
uk-tikfra | slave (lit. one who + unwanted/bad + surrender) --first 'k' is silent-- |
uk-bantakoor | slaver (lit. one who + forces + takes) |
spi | sleep |
samspi | sleepy |
samspi't | sleepiness |
lofer | slow |
lari | small |
poliat | small of the back |
gaja | smash (the sound of a strong hit, punch, break, slap) |
vilna | smell (to) |
vilnat | smell (the sense of) |
fohei | smelly / stink |
taja | smoke (n) / (slang for) cannabis |
up | smoke (to) / inhale (pronounced: oop) |
osger | snarl (lit. say + growl ) |
maka | sneeze |
gurt | snore |
fon | snow |
font | |
thir | so / therefore |
bono | so much / that ~ (ie. Be 'that' happy. Be 'so' important) |
tolo-ut | sober / awake / conscious / aware |
misfar | someone (lit. a random + body) |
poslat | something / anything (Not to be confused with misboi which is 'some object/thing') |
misboi | something (lit. some random + thing/object) Not to be confused with poslat which is closer to 'anything' |
ton | son |
rum | song / poem (pronounced: room) |
pila | sort of / kind of |
shu | sound of speed / sliding (usually for imitating the sound of a loosed arrow) --pronounced: 'shoe' as in tie my shoe-- |
dae | south |
bul | spacious / wide |
kir | sparkle / glisten |
hoban | speak / talk / discuss / communicate (not to be confused with: os or rit which is simply 'say a word') |
shant | spear |
trit | speedily / quickly (lit. fast + concerning) |
um | spirit (a)/ feeling (a). Lesser beings of the OtherWorld. ('Ones own spirit' would be: rap, which refers to the 'mind', 'conscience', 'state of being'.) |
rap | spirit (the) / mind (the) |
pu | spit (pronounced: pu as in putt. Not poo) |
pu'tok | spitting-distance / not far / close by (slang) |
baga | spoil / rot |
shut | sprain / twist (ankle, wrist, neck, shoulder, knee) --pronounced 'shoot' as in shoot an arrow-- |
verta | spring |
shush | squish / squash |
mabim | stamina (lit. have + life energy) |
berban | stand |
rana | star |
yon | start |
tola | stay / remain |
fohei | stink / smelly |
gu | stomach |
tat | stone / rock |
ta'tok | stone-distance / a stone's throw away |
pan | stop (to stop moving. For 'stop doing that', see: mersh) |
mersh | stop it / cut it out |
bakat | story |
bakat'nako | story-telling (lit. story + (possessive indicator) + tell) |
var't | strength / masculine |
rok | strike / hit |
tip | string |
tran | strong / senses / forces (Strong wind, etc) |
var | strong / strength of character / physical strength |
noway | study / observe / watch (intently) |
pitak | stupid / a fool / idiot (not to be confused with bit which is a stupid choice or thing) |
bit | stupid / dumb (as in: stupid mistake. Not to be confused with pitak, which means an idiot/fool.) |
f'feer't | sudden |
f'feer | suddenly (perversion of feert |
tolra | summer |
panon | sun |
upa | surprise --pronounced: oopa-- |
fra | surrender / give up |
pier | sweet |
koor | take |
koor't | taking (a) / abduction (use is basically limited to abductions) |
hoban | talk / speak / discuss / communicate (not to be confused with: os/rit which is simply 'say a word') |
meku | tall |
lora | task / duty |
pofu | taste |
osbanta | teach (lit. say + impose one's will) |
uk-ap(a) | teacher (lit. one who shows/reveals) |
upro | tear (from the eye) |
ko | describe / tell / what (usually used with sa) |
taf | territory / area / ground / lands |
doku | thanks / thank you |
voy | that (action) |
tar | that (thing) / the (generalized) (not used constantly like 'the' in English. Closer related to 'that'.) |
mozat-fer | that I may / in the hopes that |
bono | that ~ / (ie. Be 'that' happy. Be 'so' important) |
turk | thaws (the) The season when the snows melted. |
tar | the (generalized) / that (thing) (not used constantly like 'the' in English. Closer related to 'that'.) |
tont | the one and only / the supreme among many (not to be confuse with 'the', as in 'the pen' or 'the table'.) |
ufer-na | their ~ / the people's |
ufer-ra | them (In most formal occasions, it can refer to 'we the people'. |
vart | there |
thir | therefore / so |
weem-ra | they / those (Though commonly used as 'we' in songs/poems. |
tak-ra | they (unfamiliar people, animals, things) |
ufer-ra | they (closer to 'those people') |
u'koor | thief (lit. one who + takes) --it is actually uk-koor so accent would be on the 'k'-- |
boi | thing |
boi-ra | things |
rapshir | think / imagine / thoughts (as in: I'm thinking about flowers) --not to be used as "I think so, maybe". See: vishto |
vishto | think so / maybe (as in: I think so, maybe) --not to be used as "I think it's best" or "I'm thinking about flowers"-- |
piest-ser | think strongly / definitely / in my opinion (also: typical/figures/of course it would)--not to be used as "I think so, maybe" or "I'm thinking about flowers"-- |
tont-san | third (lit. the supreme three) |
samsay't | thirst |
samsay | thirsty (lit. want + drink) |
da | this |
fel | thorn |
rapshirnoway | thoughtful / intelligent |
rapshir't | thoughts |
san | three |
tan | throw (at/strongly) |
mit | throw at / aim (pronounced: meet) |
bor | throw casually / toss / chuck |
rau(p) | thunder |
vim | tie |
rush | tight (pronounced: roosh) |
feert | time (more like: the instant in time) |
mil | time (the passage of days, months, seasons) pronounced: meel |
u'n | time --pronounced: 'n -- |
larisa | tiny / cute (lit. small + the child-like indicator sa, which is a perversion of its original ha) |
taka | tits / breasts |
naet | to (in the direction of) |
pat | to (the purpose of going/doing) / and then / for (the reason for doing/going) |
pian | too (much of) (Used for tangible items) Not used for: too easy or too fast. |
trebo | too much / poison / bad for health |
upor | touch (to) |
upor't | touch (sense of feeling) |
os | tongue / say |
dayt | train / practice --not used for military or warfare related training-- (pronounced: date As in: I went on a date with Gelvloa) |
malak | training (military/fighting/warfare) |
for | tree |
botlik | trip / stumble (to) |
peyilash | true / honest |
batha | trust (to) / to believe in (not used for: 'Believe in ghosts') |
oth(a) | tunic (feminine marker a can be dropped from men's tunics) |
boto | turn into / become / becoming |
ersh | two |
o | uh / usually used when thinking of something to say or starting a sentence / also used for: duh! |
fiets | uncountable / thousands / millions |
peratan | undo |
tok | unit of measurement / distance (suffix used to indicate distance) |
vifon | unity (a simple joining between people. Used to describe: marriage, to ally, trade union) |
vizeks | unity / peace |
tarmil | until (lit. that + time) Used for time only. |
tik | unwanted / undesired / bad (action or event) |
puye | up |
shiso | urine / piss / urinate |
day-ra | us / we |
mai / fer / ti | use |
dolpot | useful (lit. Against + Useless or not-not useful.) |
dol | useless |
kuvatsa | vagina (cute) / pussy |
kuvat | vagina (harsh) / cunt |
yatha | valley (a) |
tre | very / a lot |
bie | very much / more than usual (prefix: bie-kont changes 'look' into 'watch'. bie-rapshir changes 'think' into 'ponder'. Derived from bier meaning heavy. |
ut | view / viewpoint / eye |
zoit | village (lit. concerning + tribe) |
yeka | vomit / barf / puke |
estam | wake up (to) (Also used as estam-ser = 'Get up!'. Can also be used as esssss~tam hissed in the ear of the 'over-sleeper'.) |
pet-pet | walk (to) |
ishku | wander |
sam | want |
up | war --pronounced: oop-- This is a borrowed word from an unknown language. Previously the Amazoi only had one word for both war and battle: ray |
shay | warm / comfortable |
shay't | warmth |
osko | warn (to) |
oskot | warning (a) |
upai | warrior |
nay-bo | wasn't |
trebak | watch (casually) / keep an eye on (not to be confused with: noway) |
noway | watch (intently) / study / observe (not to be confused with: trebak) |
wada | water |
pot | waterfall |
day-ra | we (lit. me + plural) / us |
otak | weapon / arm(s) |
ruj | weather |
loe | west |
wadat | wet |
tontsha | wetness (of a woman) (lit. The Dew) See: tontsin |
ko | what (usually used with sa) / tell / describe |
f'mil | when / at that time |
bay | where |
sasho | whisper |
dar | who |
patan-sa | why / what reason |
bul | wide / spacious |
bu | wild / untamed |
atha | win (Used as: day-na atha = My win) |
la | wind |
aji | wine (lit. berry + state of being) |
aji-dan | wine skin / wine jug |
penu | winter |
forta | wisdom (feminine) / cunning / sly |
fort | wisdom (masculine) |
for | wise (primarily used as: for the purpose / the reason of) |
hyat | with (as in: together) --not used as: help with |
noi | wolf (Also used as slang: being sexually wild or aggressive) |
breta | woman |
nay-to | won't be |
karat | word (a) |
riean | worry |
potran | worthy |
aiya | wow / oh dear / oh no |
dje | yes --pronounced with soft 'd': d'zje-- |
martano | yesterday (lit. day + past tense) |
eed | you |
nom-nom | yummy |