
Word Usage with Deeper Meanings

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In order to fully understand the deeper meanings and sublteties of Osfer, I would take a bit of your time to explain how I have arrived at my present viewpoint on the subject.
(Or, skip the lesson and go directly to the Phrases with Deeper Meanings here)

- In my experience living and learning Japanese for 13 years, I quickly discovered there was much more to learning a language than remembering sentences and vocabulary or even grammar.
In fact, I would be bold enough to say, to properly learn a language would be to learn what could be described as 'anti-grammar'. (Slang, colouqialisms, euphemisms, verbal short-cuts, etc.)

I feel this opinion saved me from ever having to use the common phrases spouted by other foreigners living in Japan such as the dreaded:
"You'll never be accepted as one of them no matter how much you learn their language."

I constantly found the people who said anything similar to that phrase also referred to our hosts as 'The Japanese' or using 'The Language'. I quickly noticed the use of 'The' physcologically showed a purposeful divide. I also must add, these people always spoke with a horrific accent, pronouncing hard 'R' sounds that are not present in Japanese (in affect sounding as ridiculous as the 'L' / 'R' problem we joke about regarding the Japanese to English accent). I also noticed they had little or no interesting topics beyond "I went here." "Isn't this good?" or using sentences they've picked up from their kids at English school.
Conversely, I tried to use impersonations of t.v. personalities, singing currently popular songs or (even-better) referring to any nostalgic comic, t.v. show, or past event.

In summary, this taught me that communication is not simply words or word structure. It is a working knowledge of the culture and the many nuances entwined in any language that will give you a full knowledge of the people you are living with.

Now, of course, there are always exceptions to any experience, and I apologise if you are the exception to my 'rule'.
And I will beg your patience for one more example:
- A young man is asked to work over-time on a Friday night. He calls his friend who has organised a night out with a group to tell him the bad news.
A Japanese Friend would almost certainly say:
"I understand. Keep up the fight/hard work."
While the North American Friend of the same situation would say:
"That sucks. Well, don't work too hard, bro."

It might even be conceivable to think the North American friend would add, "Can't you just tell your boss you have a commitment?" while the idea of even hinting at such a thing in Japan would seem undermining and perhaps not merit a clear response.
It is with that belief that I can say the use of language strongly indicates, and deeply affects, the culture of a people.

With that, I will give some examples of how the usage of certain Osfer words create a way of thinking specific to the Amazoi.

English Osfer Literal Translation Explanation
You're gorgeous
eed bonoto pena you + forever + pretty 'You're so beautiful, it will last forever'
Also: pen-a is basically the feminized form of 'good-looking'
Don't be such a twit
nay fala-ya top-no not + bird + similar to + play + (present) 'Don't act like a bird'
A bird is considered flighty, unfaithful, annoying and constantly talking.
Don't piss me off
nay shiso naet vala not + piss + (directional) + mouth 'Don't piss in my mouth'
ie. "Don't piss me off."
No English Equivalent
poliat na wada lower back + (possessive) + water 'Back water'
Something annoying, yet easily forgotten.
You're too big for your britches
rek'dosh penu yat fifteen + winter + early '15 years too early'
You're too young, too inexperienced.
Fuck me!
shiso naet day piss + (directional) + me 'Piss on me!'
Really make (one) angry
tak-na ban-no wat one's + raise + (present) + fur 'Raise one's fur'
Taken from the raised fur of a wolf when angry or threatening.
Mischief of the gods
li-ra na totak deity + (plural) + (possessive) + mischief 'That's life!'
'What can you do about it?'
Refers to any of the mishaps experienced in a lifetime.
No English Equivalent
uber-ra ya uver-ra problem + (plural) + similar to + creating + (plural) Problems are the same as Creations
Refers to how starting anything new will produce new problems.
To flirt
hoban pi taka talk + from/off of + breast 'Talk from the breast(s)'
*Not a derogative statement.
Being promiscuous /
lef naet bot naet bot fly + to + branch + to + branch Fly from branch to branch
Usually used for women as, Branches are also slang for an erection.
Letting people walk over you
for-ya no tree + (similar to) + (present) 'Being a tree'
Refers to how you can do anything you want to a tree and it won't fight back.
No English Equivalent
mai-enta frata to do + hide + challenge To hide a challenge.
Refers to how a person can say something nice, but mean it in a nasty way.
No English Equivalent
poja-no go'or yoi-na dom-ra poja + (present) + five + people + (possessive) + territory + (plural) Poja are the 5 basic 'human rights'
(sight, hearing, smell, touch, and possession)
See: Customs & Habits
No English Equivalent
poku-ha pine needle + cute/small 'Pinies'
Refers to the small bits and pieces of forest that get down your neck or in your shoes.
Cats & Dogs
Oil & Water
ranatat panu ranatat flint + upon + flint Flint on flint
Naturally don't get along with each other.
A smidgen
run tane ear + grain 'A grain of earwax'
Refers to there not being enough to do anything with
Pissed off
shiso di vala piss + in + mouth 'Piss in the mouth'
Refers to how one would feel if someone pissed in one's mouth
Hindsight is 50/50
li-ra na posh deity + (plural) + (possessive) + rebuke 'Rebuke of the gods'
Sarcasm. Refers to how easy it is for the gods to give advice.
No English Equivalent
li-ra na sasho deity + (plural) + (possessive) + whisper 'Whispers of the gods'
Dark, confusing or angry thoughts that seem to come from nowhere. Thought to be whispered by the gods and best to be ignored.
A hangover
ulan-um morning + spirit 'Morning spirits'
Refers to the feeling a spirit has invaded the head during the drunken venture and the sufferer must endure until it gets bored and leaves.
For the hell of it
tan-tan for the purpose of + throw at 'Throw for the purpose of throwing'
To do something just for the sake of doing it. Without reason.

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